
Ng Sock Hwa Sammy 黄淑华

Ng Sock Hwa 2020.jpg

Email: samatbeechcraft@gmail.com

黄淑华在2010年毕业于南洋美术学院的墨画系, 师从新加坡著名的篆刻和水墨艺术家 - 陈健坡,曾纪策,黄明宗和胡财和。

2011年,淑华加入了啸涛篆刻书画会,之后也参加了画会的各项画展 。

平时除了爱观察身边的人和事物, 淑华也喜欢探讨人生观以及价值观 , 作品题材也主要来自身边各种困扰她的事物 。 把它们以绘画的方式呈现出来,除了是想抒发自己的想法也同时是在向他人寻求解决的方法。

自2017年, 淑华开始创作生活小品 <城市系列> 。这一系列的作品讲述的都是困扰城市民众的生活写照 。 画中有低头族 、 地铁里的众生相等等 。 探讨的是家人和朋友之间的疏离 、人们对手机的依赖及环境和形势的无奈。

2019年, 淑华荣获啸涛第49届会员作品展 - 杰出作品奖 。 得奖作品 <九月的风吹过> 讲述的便是人们对空气受污染的无所适从。淑华 2020年 的 作品<塑山图> 描绘的是环保危机, 是希望借由此画警惕和发扬环保意识, 进而改变我们的大自然生态 。 她说: "跟大自然相比, 我们的存在是短暂的 。 如果不能守护, 但求不要对它们造成更大的破坏 。"

Born in Singapore, 1974, Sock Hwa refers to herself as a 40-something who still wishes to change the world,

She graduated in 2010 from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Dip in Fine Arts, majoring in ink painting under the tutelage of renowned artists Tan Kian Por, Tan Kee Sek, Wee Beng Chong from 2008 to 2010 and Oh Chai Hoo since 2014 .

She was invited by Mercedes Benz Centre during her first year in Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and took part in a joint exhibition "Expressions 2008" with local ink artist Irene Hong.
In 2009, she started a series of artworks based on the theme "Reflections on Daily Life, Self and Surroundings"

Her graduation artwork in 2010 depicting the insecurity over the loss of space in Singapore was nominated for the Asian Sovereign Art Prize, 2010.

Sock Hwa was invited to join Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal Carving, Calligraphy & Painting Society in 2011 and has since participated yearly in their annual members art exhibition.

She was conferred the 14th Siaw-Tao Annual "Distinguished Art Award" in 2019.

Her artwork in 2020 covers topics relating to Covid 19/20 post-lockdown in Singapore and expresses her concerns over the worldwide challenges caused by the overconsumption of plastics.

The direction of her future work is to continue to provoke thoughts and self-reflection on social issues which have also affected her. Through these works, she hopes to gather perspective from people who saw these artworks and convey positive messages in helping to make our environment a much more pleasant place to live in.