
Song Meng 宋梦

宋梦 song meng edited.jpg

Email: songmeng0205@hotmail.com

宋梦,女,1991 年生于中国上海,新加坡国立大学硕士,幼承家学,五岁起临习《芥子园画谱》,跟随海派名家车鹏飞先生学习传统山水画,中国同济大学国绘社创始人、首任社长,现为新加坡啸涛书画篆刻会、新加坡艺术协会、新加坡中华美术研究会,新加坡妇女艺术协会等会员。画风清新古雅,具有浓郁的传统华族文人气息,其作品在多处展出,2018年于新加坡举办林泉仁风扇面个展。


Ms. Song Meng was born in Shanghai. She had embarked on the journey of traditional Chinese painting by learning from her family since young and was already studying and emulating《芥子园画谱》at the age of five. She later came under the tutelage of the renowned artist, Mr Che Pengfei, building upon her foundation and enabling her to take her skills to a higher level. During her academic years, Song Meng founded the Chinese Ink Painting Society of Tong Ji University, Shanghai, China and became its inaugural President. She is avidly involved in the local art scene currently, being a member of Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal-Carving Calligraphy & Painting Society, Singapore Art Society and Society of Chinese Artists. Her widely exhibited works are invigorated by a rich sense of traditional Chinese literati.