
Tan Seow Wei 陈晓薇


Email: tanseowwei@gmail.com

Website: www.tanseowwei.com

新加坡艺术家陈晓薇(生于1979年,新加坡),毕业于拉萨尔艺术学院(LASALLE),并获得绘画艺术学士(荣誉)学位。晓薇师从新加坡著名的篆刻和水墨艺术家 - 曾纪策和胡财和。晓薇曾获多项奖项,包括2014年啸涛杰出艺术奖、2007年 Winston Oh Travel 奖、2006年张荔英艺术奖学金及2003年陈之初博士艺术奖(卓越)。她还多次参加英国、新加坡、马来西亚、柬埔寨和泰国的集体展览。

Tan Seow Wei is the current English Secretary of the Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal Carving, Calligraphy and Painting Society. Graduated from LASALLE College of the Arts with Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Painting in 2008, she delves in a variety of medium such as painting, drawing and installation. Ink painting, however, is one of her particular interest, having studied Chinese ink painting under Singapore's second generation artist, Tan Kee Sek, for more than 10 years and also seal carving under Mr Oh Chai Hoo. She has won a number of awards including the Siaw-Tao Outstanding Art Award in 2014, Winston Oh Travelog Award in 2007, Georgette Chen Scholarship in 2006, Dr Tan Tsze Chor Art Award – Distinction in 2003.